Art Awakens...

My best moments are moments of artistic expression.
Communicating and connecting through the language of Creativity is my Passion.
and if I can awaken your artistic soul to express itself,
I love it, I smile.

Alcohol inkt art

From the first moment I encountered myself with alcohol inkt…. My heart melted. And every week now, I am exploring more and more of this amazing, mesmerizing medium…

See more… Alcohol Inkt art

Digital collage

The amazing part of combining real photographs with paintings… Creating layers of reality is my passion. I love to see the depth of reality and this technique makes it possible.

See more… Painting and mix-media

Workshop - express your soul

When ’times allow it’ I give creative workshops in my studio… Moment of enjoying music, which gives us peace of mind and let’s us tune in to our creative being, beyond words of the mind.

If you are interested, please let me know by sending me a message

My Etsy shop

Are you looking for artwork for your wall, or maybe to use in your own artwork? Feel free to look in my Etsy shop, if anything speaks to you…

Via this link, you can visit the shop.

Photography - portraits

Capturing moments in real life is magic. I love taking portraits… When people are their most vulnerable, the most amazing pictures come out. And they are kept just like that, forever. I think that is amazing…

See more… Photography

Photography - lensball

Looking at the world through a lensball… just magic, I find that. The world upside down, and in a circle… Like a bobble of the whole world, floating in the air.

See more… Photography

Photography - People

I am always attracted to people… Different cultures, believes, cultures, thoughts and behaviours. ‘Behind every face, lies a whole lifestory’ – this fascinates me… always.

See more… Photography

Painting - line drawing

Since I was very young I loved to draw. Nothing that needed to look ‘realistic’… Anything abstract, is where my soul went to express itself. 

See more… Painting and mix-media

Poetry - writing

Writing… There is nothing like ‘free-flow’ writing. WHen the heart strats pouring out with no boudaries or restrictions. Words flow in meaningful sentences as if they were written somewhere else, but transmitted through the pen.

See more… Poetry

NFT & Crypto art

Ohhh my… since my first encounter with NFT and crypto art, I am hooked. The world of possibilities open up and suddenly I see a whole sea of new ways of creativity, involving everyone that gets on it’s path. Exiting!

Painting - mix media collages

I weave
Imaginary timelines
into a visibly
connected Reality

See more… Painting and mix-media

Photography - travel

For years I travelled to different inspiring countries in the world, capturing moments, people and landscapes. 

See more… Photography

Film - Breaking Taboos

Archell Thompson is an artist and storyteller.
He grew up in Curacao, where receiving slaps as a kid was- and still is, a prt of the culture. Noticing how this influenced him even till today, he decided to dedicate his life to make a change.
By sharing his story, and thereby braking the taboe there is around this subject, he invites the youngsters of now to share their stories too. And in this way it ‘all gets out in the open’ making it possible for a change.I admire Archell, who is a kind person and always has patience and empathy for the people around him. AND he is a great artist.

See more… Film productions

Photography - smoke

Spending 10 months in a summerhouse in Denmark, in the middel of the winter… One day I decided to photograph smoke. I didn’t see anything while taking the pictures… only in the editing these images revealed themselves in front of my eyes…

See more… Photography

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